
We love our world!

“Nature itself is the best physician.” – Hippocrates

We are mindful of environmental and socio-economic values to ensure the sustainability of our planet.

We intend to re-use and re-purpose throughout our program wherever we can.

Through social enterprise we will generate vocations and income for our participants. Our goal is for One&All to be self-sufficient.

Sustainability is about acts of kindness to each other, to the materials we choose to use and the purposes we use them for.

Our mission is to help and to heal, to offer opportunities which will have a ripple on effect for our world.

Re-using and recycling in our social enterprise programs:

  • Our donors, sponsors and business partners have donated and saved from landfill a significant number of textiles, furniture, and other items, which are reused or repurposed in our program.

  • Business partners and customers purchase our art, pot plants, merchandise, and other products made in-house by participants in our workshops. This allows income to be generated from products and jobs to be created at One&All.

  • Vegetables grown in our urban garden are used for juice making workshops, with juice then sold at market days.

  • Fabrics heading for landfill are saved and repurposed in our weaving workshops.

  • Artists can design and develop up-cycling workshops to create new artworks and products.

  • Some of the income generated from our social enterprise programs will be put back into existing workshops and will also help fund new opportunities.